We are currently moving this application to the web instead of having it on premise to make installation and support easier to manage
Estimated deployment for the web version is June 2025
We will continue to bug fix this application until then.
An “All In One” Enterprise System
- We are not just an Electronic Bounded Book company.
- We are in the Firearm Business not just a Programming Firm.
- We included Manufacturing "BOM" in our software.
- We are American Made and an On Premise system.

Whether you are a single location or have
multiple locations, we can help you.
While using MyFFLBook dashboard’s information , employees become more aware and efficient on doing their specific daily tasks and. With the lane and maintenance system will also give your facility to accomplish routine duty and maintenance tasks around your facility. This is especially useful for gun range’s that have daily and monthly maintenance tasks. The dashboard also lets the employees know daily sales, vacations, daily class schedules and updates on gunsmithing work orders.

Key Features
ATF Compliance
ATF ruling 2016-1, ATF ruling 2016-2, ATF ruling 2016-3, ATF ruling 2016-4, ATF ruling 2016-5
Electronic 3310
Generate 3310 multi forms.
Electronic Bounded Book
Acquisition and disposition with historical view at any changes for each firearm entry
Generate NFA Forms
Form 1 (5320.1), Form 4 (5320.4) and Form 4 (5320.5)
Point of Sales (POS)
Includes a easy to use entry form to cash out the customer at any retail counter.
Bay and Lane Allocation
Includes the ability to scan the membership card and allocate the user to a bay/lane.
Waiver and Membership Card
Includes the ability to issue waiver/ membership cards to each shooter. Also includes reoccurring billing and electronic waiver.
Supplier Inventory Integration
Import your product inventory automatically with descriptions and their pictures.
Maintenance System
Includes the ability to schedule unlimited tasks, track lane maintenance and repairs around your facility.
Bill of Materials (BOM)
Includes the functionality to create assemblies which will auto deduct inventory and its quantities used to create the product for the assembly.
Gunsmithing Work Orders
Includes auto generation of work order for the gunsmiths directly from the electronic bounded book.
Reoccurring Membership
COMING SOON – Includes an integration with Memberpress on a external website to allow customer to manage their memberships.
Task Scheduling Management
This includes an unlimited number of color-coded tasks on the dashboard for employees in any department duties necessary to be completed on daily openings or closings of your facility. This also includes the ability to insert special, non-occurring tasks.
We have integrated with FastBound to enable the ATF compliancy for the 4473 process and electronic book.
Payroc Payments
We have integrated with Payroc to allow you to process credit card payments.
Fortis Payments
We have integrated with Fortis to allow you to process credit card payments.
We have integrated with WordPress/WooCommerce to allow you to send product info to your own website.

Software Overview


System Requirements

All of your data can be backed up on an hourly basis using Microsoft’s SQL Server. If you already own a version of SQL server at you facility, you may be able to use it instead.
Before deploying SQL Server Express, you should make yourself aware of its limitations which include:
- 1GB maximum memory used by the SQL Server Database Engine
- The maximum size of each relational database is 10GB
SQL Agent is not included in Express. The SQL Agent is a background tool which enables administrators to automate tasks like backing up data, database replication setup, job scheduling, user permissions, and database monitoring.
- Intel Processor
- Windows
- Drive space of at least 500meg
- 8gig of memory
- AMD not recommended
- VNC, Teamviewer, Microsoft Team if you need support.

Installation | Demo | User License | Supported Monthly or Hour Blocks |
Youtube Channel | |||
Issue Ticket Support | |||
Email Support | |||
Priority Email Support | |||
Phone Support | |||
Remote Desktop Support | |||
On-Site |

Our Support
support plans & features | Demo | User License | Supported Monthly or Hour Blocks |
Version Updates | |||
Issue Ticket Support | |||
Email Support | |||
Phone Support | |||
Remote Desktop Support |

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